
Matrícula 2024/2025


Grao en Filoloxía Aplicada Galega e Española

O novo Grao en Filoloxía Aplicada Galega e Española ofrece formación especializada no eido das linguas e literaturas galega e española.



Os primeiros 25 anos da Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Campus Remoto

Campus Remoto é o novo servizo que centraliza nun único punto as diversas ferramentas de teledocencia da Universidade de Vigo: FaiTIC, Aulas virtuais “en directo” e Foro do profesorado.


Bachelor’s Degrees

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Galician and Spanish Applied Philology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Language Sciences and Literary Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages

Master’s Degrees

  • Inter-university Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics
  • Master’s Degree in Translation for International Communication
  • Inter-university Master in Advanced English Studies and its Applications
  • Master’s Degree in Multimedia Translation

Equality Label

The Equality Label has been created to make the effort made by many in our University, who fight everyday to research, teach, transfer, manager and produce feministic and from a gender point of view scientific knowledge visible, and publicly and institutionally acknowledged. This initiative aims to acknowledge the work made by centres, schools and faculties in the field of a real and effective equality between men and women promotion, and, in this way, achieve a more human, equality and fair university.

The Faculty of Philology and Translation achieved the Equality Label on September 24, 2021.

Centre certified by FIDES-AUDIT

The Faculty of Philology and Translation designed a Quality Guarantee System in collaboration with the Quality Area of the University of Vigo, following the guidelines of the programme FIDES-AUDIT.

The ACSUG (Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System) issued a positive evaluation of the design of the centre Quality Guarantee System on the 26th of April, 2010. Later, on the 7th of October, 2014, the ACSUG issued as positive the certification report of the implementation of the Quality Guarantee System in the centre.This certification has been renewed on 10/11/2022.