The students from the Faculty of Philology and Translation can develop curricular and extracurricular external internships (BOE, 297, 10 December, 2011).

The curricular internships are part of the academic activities from the corresponding Study Plan.

The extracurricular internships are those which the student can develop voluntarily during the training period and which are not part of the corresponding Study Plan. However, this type of internships will be taken into account in the diploma supplement according to the current regulation.

From the year 2012/2013 to the year 2021/2022, our Faculty organised a total of 542 curricular internships within 82 different destinations (including companies, institutions, freelance translators and internal University services). To these, it must be added the management of extracurricular internships organised ny the FUVI, the Sports Services or the ORI.

The different Master’s Degrees also offer external internships within their Study Plans; these will be managed through the internships coordinators in each Master’s Degree.

External Internships Call (Bachelor’s Degree in Galician and Spanish Applied Philology)
Provisional list | Final list

External Internships Call (Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting)

External Internships Call (Inter-university Master in Advanced English Studies and its Applications)
Provisional list


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+34 986 812 360