The research annual on childhood and youth literature – AILIJ (ISSN: 1578-6072) was firstly edited in 2001 and aims for disseminating the national and international research carried out in the field of literature for children and young readers.

Babel-Afial (ISSN: 1132-7332) is an academic journal which deals with different aspects of English and German philology and is published on a yearly basis. It first appeared in 1992 and carries articles and reviews of national and international procedence on subjects related to English and German languages, literature in either of the two, applied linguistics, literary theory, translation studies, methodology, lexicology and lexicography.
Sociolinguistic Studies

Sociolinguistic Studies (ISSN: 1750-8649; ISSN-e: 1750-8657) is the new title of Estudios de Sociolingüística, a journal founded in 2000 at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain) which offers a linguistic and cultural bridge between sociolinguistic research in the Romance world – especially the Spanish and Latino-American world – and the English-speaking research community.
Hesperia. Anuario de Filoloxía Hispánica

Hesperia. Anuario de Filoloxía Hispánica (Annual on Spanish Philology) (ISSN: 1139-3181) publishes scientific studies on Spanish language and literature on its different aspects, topics and contents.
Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics

VIAL (ISSN: 1697-0381) welcomes empirical studies dealing with innovative aspects of applied linguistics. VIAL is becoming a forum of discussion for interdisciplinary studies and diversity, promoting the exchange of ideas among specialists.
Viceversa. Galician Translation Journal

The Journal Viceversa (ISSN: 1135-8920; ISSN-e: 1989-2853), which gathers works on translation in Galicia, was first published in 1995 in order to fill a void on our scientific journals.
Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature

The Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM) accepts contributions for its forthcoming issues on any aspect of Medieval English studies. In its new shape and editorial trend, the journal is eager to receive articles, notes, review articles and reviews on a wide range of medieval linguistic and literary topics.