Arias Freixedo

Senior Lecturer

Area of Galician and Portuguese Philology
Department of Galician and Latin Philology

Contact information

Faculty of Philology and Translation
Pavillón A, Despacho 30

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 075


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Degree in Foreign Languages

V01G181V01309 | Third foreign language I: Portuguese
V01G181V01105 | Modern language: Second foreign language I: Portuguese

Bachelor’s Degree in Language Sciences and Literary Studies

V01G400V01921 | Galician-Portuguese medieval literature

Grao en Filoloxía Aplicada Galega e Española

V01G430V01104 | Idioma moderno: Idioma (A) Portugués I
V01G430V01108 | Idioma moderno: Idioma (B) Portugués I

2nd term