Profesor/a titular de universidad
Área de Filología Inglesa
Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana
Información de contacto
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 955
Breve CV
Yolanda Fernández-Pena holds a BA (BA Extraordinary Graduate Prize in 2013) and an MA in English Philology from the University of Vigo, where she also completed her PhD in English Linguistics in 2018 (International Award, PhD Extraordinary Award in 2020).
Yolanda joined the LVTC research group in December 2012 on an MA research grant, and the Department of English, French and German at the University of Vigo in December 2013 on a predoctoral grant from the Regional Government of Galicia (PRE/2013/396). From September 2014 to December 2017, she held a FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU13/01509), which also provided generous financial support to carry out research stays at the Universities of Zurich (2015), Lancaster (2016) and Leuven (2017). Yolanda was also a predoctoral visiting scholar at the Universities of Liverpool (2014) and Leuven (2016), and a postdoctoral visiting researcher at the Universities of Leuven (2019), Graz (2019-2021) and Neuchâtel (2021-2022). She worked as Junior Lecturer («Ayudante») at the University of Cantabria (April 2018-October 2019), as a postdoctoral fellow (Regional Government of Galicia, ED481B-2019/077) at the University of Vigo (October 2019-February 2022) and as Lecturer («Ayudante Doctora») at the University of Santiago de Compostela (February-October 2022). Since October 2022 she is Lecturer at the Department of English, French and German at the University of Vigo.
Yolanda’s research focuses on language change in the recent history of the English language, particularly on the linguistic variation of verb number agreement with complex collective subjects in Late Modern and Present-Day English and the syntactic characterisation and corpus-driven categorisation of fragments in Present-Day English, as well as on the provision of agreement morphology and overt subjects in L2 English in (non-)CLIL contexts in Spain.
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Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
V01G180V01801 | Lengua para fines específicos
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Tutorías presenciales concertadas
El docente tiene una oferta de tutorías presenciales en horario concertado. Para concertar una cita puedes hacerlo desde tu Secretaría Online.